Tizen Developer Conference 2015 Announced, 17-18 September Shenzhen, China

The annual Tizen Developer Conference (TDC) will be held 17-18 September 2015 in Shenzhen, China. The conference will feature keynotes from industry leaders, as well as technical talks for app developers, platform designers, independent software developers (ISV), OEMs, hardware and software vendors. This conference is for open source and app developers who are interested in contributing to the growth of the Tizen ecosystem worldwide.

The conference is traditionally located in San Francisco in the US, but has been shifted this year to China, which should signify the regions Importance to the overall Tizen strategy. As well as a new location we have a new Slogan:


You get to learn from real world Tizen Experts about the Tizen architecture, app development and porting tools, as well as how to monetize through the Tizen Store. This is the second major Tizen event we are seeing this year, with the Tizen Developer Summit being held in Bengluru later this month.

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